Grief Resources
A curated grief resource list... so you don't have to slog through the entire internet.

Trained counselors are there to listen, free of charge, to what’s going on. Take advantage of their great kindness. Vent with an objective individual.
You don’t have to be ‘suicidal’ to call them, but if you are, don't hesitate to call!
- Boystown National Hotline -800-448-3000 or Text VOICE to 20121
- Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
- Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
- LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
I'm not a big fan of "meditation" in the traditional sense but I do find listening to meditation music very soothing and healing.
This organization has support groups all over the US. A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through the 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.
I've found a lot of online support groups are incredibly depressing. Most members are new in grief and the majority of posts are raw and gut wrenching and very hard to take.
This group is different. There are new people who post about their pain but there are also a lot of senior members who are there to give encouragement. It's a very active group with many people reaching out for support but even more people giving help and support and hope.
1-3 text messages a week with resources, tools, tips, inspiration, motivation, and encouragement.
To see sample messages from the archive, click HERE.
"Why God?" Three things to know so you can stop wondering, "Why did you let this happen God?"
Tackles the inevitable questions after loss and explains a path for moving forward.
inspirational story
Waterbugs and Dragonflies - A Parable of the Afterlife by Doris Stickney
Great for people of any age but may be especially helpful as a tool to discuss death and the afterlife with young children. This sweet story brought me great comfort in the days immediately following Jackson's death. I've had a "thing" for dragonflies ever since. And I think Jackson shows up sometimes to say "Hi" masquerading as a dragonfly.
Grief Recovery
I don't have names of grief counselors to recommend because I've never had anyone report a good experience Most counselors/therapists are not trained specifically in grief. But there is one program I wholeheartedly recommend:
- I had an amazing experience with the Grief Recovery Method, so much so that I became a certified Grief Recovery Specialist.
- I don't think people in early grief will be thinking about this kind of program and that's probably a good thing. I'd say it isn't for those in the 1st year or two depending on the situation. People in grief are highly resistant to the idea of feeling better ... It feels like a betrayal, it brings on feelings of guilt, it's kind of unthinkable for a long while. But after year 2-ish, this program is absolutely incredible. I didn't learn about it until I was a decade into my grief journey. I wish I'd known about it LONG before then.
- Healing After Loss (Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief) by Martha Hickman
- When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner
- Healing a Grieving Heart, 100 Practical Ideas - book series by Alan Wolfelt (there are different books for different losses). Each of the 100 ideas is presented on 1 page ... VERY good for those with grief brain who can barely concentrate.
- Good Grief by Granger Westberg. This book is short and simple but still good. I wrote a book summary here that will give you the essential concepts asap.
Helping Someone Who's Grieving
64 of the Best Things Ever Said to a Griever
64 of the Worst Things Ever Said to a Griever
4 Insider Tips about this Insanely Stupid Phrase - "Call me if you need anything"