Your assessment shows⏬

your STRENGTH lies in your ...



Before we get into any further details ...

Let's stop and acknowledge why you're here ✨

You've experienced a tremendous loss. And learning to live without your loved one is the hardest thing you've ever had to do. 

Nothing can prepare you ... For the roller coaster of emotions and the floor dropping out from under you … sometimes it seems like you'll never get your feet back on steady ground. 

But you know ...

... you have to find a way to bridge the gap--from where you are now (feeling alone, misunderstood, and broken) to where you want to be (hopeful, taking steps to heal, and yes, even being happy again someday).

You've already taken an important step by being here --I'm so proud of you and your courage.

Based on your responses, the assessment reveals ...

You have a Devoted Nature that will lead you to:

Lean heavily on your closest friends while putting on a brave face for everyone else.
Nurture and care for others even in the midst of your own crisis.
Seek direction from experts to regain your sense of security and stability.
Establish routines to manage stress and create a safe environment.
Use your experience to form deeper connections with others.

Are you ready to take steps to move forward?

I know, "ready" is a strong word ... you may be thinking you'll never feel ready.  

If that's the case - Are you willing to try?

Keep reading, and I'll tell you how.

But first, let's get clear on some of the stories you've been telling yourself that could be holding you back.

Stories like ….

  • I don't see how life can matter without my loved one. 
  • No one wants to know how I really am ... that I'm not OK and I don't want to "move on."
  • When I forget about the pain for a while - I feel so guilty.
  • I know there's no good answer for why this happened, but in the background, my brain still keeps trying to figure it out asking “WHY?” and "What if?" - it's exhausting.
  • If only I hadn't done THIS (or if I would have done THAT), things would be different.
  • The person I used to be is dead. I'll never go "back to normal."

“If you love deeply, you are going to get hurt badly. But it’s still worth it." 

~ C.S. Lewis
I want you to know, even if thoughts like these continue to circle in your mind -
“I'm tired. I don't think I can do this. It's just too hard." -
you CAN heal and find happiness. 

Imagine for a moment what life would be like if you ...

  • Were free of the burden of pretending to be fine. 
  • Stepped out from the fog of confusion, loneliness, and fear and stepped into the light of hope. 
  • Lived free from guilt knowing you WERE and ARE a great partner (wife, mom, sister, friend). 
  • Let go of the 10-ton-weight of pain without letting go of your connection to your loved one. 
  • Stopped feeling detached and emotionally unavailable and instead you felt ready and able to invest in relationships.
  •  Embraced the idea of having goals and dreams again.
  • Rediscovered the best parts of your old self and transformed into a restored, more productive and purpose-filled new self.

Stop here, and repeat after me, “I forgive myself. I love myself. I didn't cause this and I couldn't prevent it either.”

Even if you don’t wholeheartedly agree, saying affirmations when you get hit with waves of grief is a good way to interrupt the painful thoughts.

Here's a resource to learn more about how to get your brain unstuck when it starts spinning with questions, doubts, and fear so you can feel better fast. ⤵

I'm not here to blather clichés ... like “time heals all wounds” and “everything happens for a reason.”

That’s bullshit. 
But I am here to tell you, you CAN move forward after loss and even be happy again without moving on.

Because stability and safety are important to you ...

You’ve probably already taken a number of steps to help yourself survive—and maybe you’re even doing OK.

But, as you've figured out, you'll never "get over it" because you're never going to stop loving or missing your loved one. That doesn't mean you can't find happiness.

I've been on this "life after loss" journey for almost 20 years, and I’m here to help you move from just surviving or even doing OK to "I never knew the deep wounds could actually heal and I'd feel ready to embrace and enjoy life again!"

Here’s an article you may find helpful - on the universal topic of guilt ... and 10 tips for coping with it. ⤵

“We’ve been led to believe that in order to heal we need to ‘find closure.’ The task is not to seal off a loss, but rather to find a way to live meaningfully with it.”
~ Tom Zuba

Jennifer has been a lifesaver for me over the past year. 

She's guided me through many challenges and helped me figure out real positive solutions for each problem. She is a great listener and huge help with knowledge in many areas. I always feel a huge relief after speaking with her!

courteney l.

Jennifer is 

rich in positive energy. 

She's a trustworthy, non-judgmental advisor. She has a healing soul willing to help others through life’s trials and tribulations.

april g.

I was surprised by the relief I felt. 

The transformation program was completely worth the time, money, and emotional investmentJennifer is an amazing leader and listener. I always felt I was in a safe space in our meetings. I was very skeptical at first. But at the end, I was surprised by the relief I felt and the new information I discovered through the loss/relationship exercises. The closure at the end made it worth it. Jennifer is one of the most caring and kind people I know.  

tamra o.

So, you might be wondering, who exactly am I to tell you that you can go from "I've lost hope that I'll ever be truly happy" to feeling that you want to laugh and live again?

Hi, I'm Jennifer, a Life and Loss Coach

When my son died in 2003, my world ended … but the rest of the world carried on as usual. 

I set out into the “after” knowing I must find a way to honor my son and transform the pain of losing him into new meaning and purpose for my life. 

It took over a decade but I fit the bits and pieces of myself and my life back together. I left my 20+ year career in finance/accounting and became a Certified Life Coach and Grief Specialist. 

I help women HEAL from unresolved pain, REGAIN confidence, and live a more PRODUCTIVE, PURPOSEFUL, and IMPACTFUL life after loss.

I lead my clients through a proven program that walks them through the process of letting go of the pain—while holding on to the love and beautiful memories—and into a new world of feeling free, open to new possibilities, willing to be vulnerable, more present and fully participating in day-to-day activities, and most of all restored ... ready to embrace and enjoy life again.

I live in Texas with my two children, my fiancé, and my Havanese puppy Orion. Some of my favorite things are coffee with heavy cream, Crossfit, ALL kinds of music and books, red wine, and the beach 🏝.

Life after loss is such a long journey ...

do it WITH people who understand and you'll feel BETTER.

Join me on Instagram 

This is where I share ALL the things - about life and loss, personal development, pics of my kids and my dog, videos of Crossfit, inspiring stories and quotes ... Click the icon below and I'll see you there! ⤵ 


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