Transform Your Life After Loss ®
Move Forward  - Without Moving On
Want to stop feeling detached and going through the motions... like you're observing life instead of living it?

Jennifer has been a lifesaver for me over the past year. 

She has guided me through many challenges and helped me figure out real positive solutions. She is a great listener and huge help with knowledge in many areas. 

I always feel a huge relief after speaking with her!  

Courteney L.

Hi, I'm JEnniFer hacker.

Life Coach and Grief Specialist

Grief Relief Texts

Messages to help you bear the unbearable.

Sign up FREE to receive 1-3 text messages each week to encourage and remind you...

  • You're not grieving wrong
  • You haven't lost your mind 
  • You're not alone
  • You're going to be okay

Not sure? Check out a few samples.

It’s a common (but harmful) belief that moving forward means you're 'moving on'

Even though it's not true, the idea of healing can feel like "moving on" and forgetting.

And since that's the last thing you want after losing your loved one, you avoid actively healing and feeling better.

Some common "avoidance" methods...

  • Working 24/7
  • Drinking a bottle of wine every night
  • Shopping for clothes you'll never wear
  • Exercising to the point of collapse
  • Staying in bed and sleeping all day

But all that avoiding can result in you...

  • Having no interest in anything
  • Not wanting to face the world
  • Not being able to do normal things in life
  • Not having any idea what to do with the rest of your life

You feel like you might be stuck in grief forever.

And you wonder, "Is it normal to be in this much pain after 4 years?"

Avoiding is part of surviving... but in between avoiding, you try all the things that are supposed to help.

Since you do hope to be a functioning person again, you've probably tried any number of things to process your grief. Maybe you...
  • Read books (It's OK That You're Not OK, I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye, Permission to Mourn, and many more)
  • Joined support groups (most were completely depressing)
  • Went to therapy (and figured out most therapists aren't equipped to handle grief)
  • Waited (for time to live up to the promise and heal your wounds)
But none of these things worked.
If you've done everything you can think of and are left wondering, "WHY does it still hurt so bad?" ...

Take heart knowing this,

Grief and love are interconnected.

Love perseveres... it doesn't end... so grief doesn't either.

The good news is, there is a way to heal and let go of pain, without letting go of your loved one.

Jennifer gave me soooo many tools that I use on a daily basis, to be happy, and to help others.

I'm so thankful for Jennifer's guidance through all my life challenges. What a world of difference she's made in my life.

I am indebted to her forever !

- A.M.

Who am I to say you can move forward without moving on?

Hi, I'm Jennifer ...

When my infant son passed away in 2003, I thought I’d never be happy again.

I found some relief in books, journaling, a support group, and therapy. 

At the time of my son's death I worked in a corporate job and I loved my business career. But after my son died (and divorce and single-parenting), I felt called to do more to help women going through the hardest times in their lives and doing it alone.

I quit my corporate job and became a certified life coach. My new career gave me a sense of purpose and fulfillment, but I still carried (and hid) the deep pain over the loss of my son.

It wasn't until 2020, 17 years after his passing, that I had a transformative healing experience, when I trained for certification as a Grief Specialist. The magic of this program is why I'm here... to share it with as many people as I can reach.

I’ll soon have a book and an online course out in the world to facilitate healing for as many people as possible.

But in the meantime, I want to interact with grievers, with YOU, so that you can not just intellectually know but truly BELIEVE:

  • Life has so much more in store for you than just surviving and pretending you're okay 
  • You don't have to worry about what other people expect - they mean well but they're wrong
  • You can climb out of the deep dark hole, find your path forward, and embrace and enjoy life again.

Even if you've been stuck for 5, 8, or 10+ years, you can have a grief breakthrough and not only want to participate in life again, but actually make progress towards new goals and dreams!

You don't have to figure this out on your own.

 Get  the Transformations Newsletter for

tools to help you manage grief and

encouragement to help you believe there really is hope to not only stop feeling lost and empty but instead feel happy and alive again.

You are amazing. I love how you have taken what you learned from losing your precious baby boy to help so many others. Thanks for changing the world, one person at a time. I can't express the depth of my appreciation and thankfulness I have for you as you have shared your life and compassion. 

- J.J.

Free e-book
Do you continuously wonder "WHY did you let this bad thing happen God?" and wish there was a real, satisfying explanation (i.e. not just platitudes or clichés)? 
Sign up to discover how to shut down the unrelenting question and ease your path moving forward.
why god ebook signup (#10)

How to shut down the unrelenting question, "Why God?"