Transform Your Life After Loss ®
Grief Transformation Coaching

Do you feel out of sync, numb, and like everything in life is a chore after losing your loved one?

Grief Transformation Coaching helps you release pain and remember your loved one with a smile instead of a knife in the heart.

Hi, I'm JEnniFer hacker.

Life Coach and Grief Specialist

I can't thank you enough for all of your support. It's been an emotional whirlwind. Your instruction and guidance helped keep me "afloat" and not feel so alone and hopeless. Thank you for the work you do!  

Melissa O.

grief coaching helps you to get out of bed in the morning

Does this sound familiar?

You're wearing a mask, feeling displaced and detached, everywhere you go, whoever you're with.

It feels like looking through a thick glass. And you're stuck outside looking in, just acting... acting and pretending. 

Smiling and laughing and trying and trying... But no one knows how you really feel. 

They've made it plenty clear... they don't WANT to know. 

So you get up every day, put on a brave face, and try to give people what they want - which is to see you “back to normal.” 

The "experts" said (and everyone expected) after a year, or maybe two, you would accept your loss and be able to move on.

But you haven't accepted anything and you don't want to move on.

Which has left you wondering, "Maybe I'm doing something wrong." 

coffe and journal - to help process grief

 Because it feels like this is just how life is now:

Nothing can really help.

There's an aching feeling of sadness that will always be there… you've accepted it.

You're not the same person you were before and you never will be.

 But what if that isn't true? What if...

There's something that can help you feel sustained relief from the soul-crushing weight you've been carrying (and hiding) for so long.

You can figure out what to do with the rest of your life.

Your broken self can be restored to feel whole again... so you can show up in the world and in relationships fully present, more authentic, compassionate, and patient.

This is all waiting for you on the other side of...

Grief Transformation Coaching

A powerful 4-step program to move through unresolved pain so you can
stop just existing and have goals and dreams again.
How it Works
step 1

Tell Your Story and Reject Grief Myths and Cliches

  • Talk through your story and the parts of grief other people don't understand.
  • Reframe the unhelpful, unsolicited advice and platitudes. 
  • Share all the things about your loved one and the loss in a safe space with somene who has been where you are and can help you find the light after darkness.
step 2

Understand Your Life History of Love and Loss

  • Learn how grief and your history of losses have impacted you (and continue to impact you).
  • Understand that our bodies hold on to unresolved trauma and pain creating walls and barriers that keep us feeling isolated and stuck.
  • Unpack your history of losses to release pain and experience inexplicable relief.
step 3

Relationship Deep Dive

  • Dive deep into your most pressing loss.
  • Say the unsaid things.
  • Address the unmet hopes, dreams, and expectations you had for the relationship.
  • Let go of guilt and regret.
step 4


  • Uniquely and completely share all remaining pieces needed to reconcile with your loved one.
  • Apologize and forgive where needed for each significant relational event.
  • Dwell deeply on the most special memories so the turmoil can slip away leaving only peace and happiness.

My Grief Transformation Program Delivers

Personal Support from Me

... a certified life coach and grief specialist with years of professional and personal experience in grief

Step-by-Step Guidance

.. as you progress through the program so you can manage emotional healing and everyday life challenges 

grief transformation coaching is healing

Regular Encouragement

... for when things feel scary and overwhelming


... to help you overcome grief and life obstacles and find a place of hope and confidence in yourself and in the future.

I look forward to my new life that lies ahead. 

Jenn has been absolutely instrumental in my growth and development. I feel completely comfortable being totally honest and she always guides me in the right direction for ME. She helps me to realize it's OK to feel the way I do. 

Sean C.

The Best Part 

This program is delivered using the most convenient means of communication for managing day-to-day life while also making progress in your emotional healing and health.

Hybrid program combining written and recorded materials that you can consume at your own pace and 1:1 voice/text (Voxer) support.

This format is especially helpful if you have trouble (or simply don't like) leaving home, getting dressed up, or showing up for in-person or zoom meetings. 

No weekly meetings and no group meetings. Just the information you need with the flexibility to accommodate your schedule and lifestyle.

Want to see if we're a good fit?

The first step is a no-pressure, 1:1 chat.

Book a transformation launchpad spot on my calendar.
Maybe you're feeling skeptical... I mean letting go of pain and feeling whole again probably seems ridiculous if you're having thoughts like these:

What is the point? I feel lonely, heartbroken, deleted, unimportant, and irrelevant.

After 5 years you would think I'd figure out what I'm supposed to be doing.

Three years sounds like a long time. But long enough to make me not miss him anymore? Never. Long enough to make me forget? Impossible.

grief coaching helps you stop feeling numb and like nothing matters
grief transformation coaching feels like coffee in your cozy bed
You're not alone having these thoughts - I've had plenty myself. But there's help to be found. 
Help for grief? Actually, yes, when you have a trained grief coach in your corner who: 

Confirms you're not crazy and you're not doing grief wrong.

Lets you know you're not alone and you're going to be okay.

Provides a safe place and proven method for deep healing.

I put to rest a lifetime of heartache.

Now I am able to remember my father and the love we shared with a peace I have never known.

Barbara A.

How would I know there's help for grief?

Hi, I'm Jennifer,

When my infant son passed away in 2003, I thought I could never be happy again.

I found some relief in books, journaling, a good support group, and therapy. (Sidenote: Interestingly, therapy was the least helpful as my therapist clearly had never experienced loss nor been trained in the area of grief. Still, there was a worthwhile amount of release in talking to someone about what happened.)

At the time of my son's death I worked in a corporate job and I loved my business career. But after my son died (and divorce and single-parenting), I felt called to do more to help women going through the hardest times in their lives and doing it alone.

I quit my corporate job and became a certified life coach. My new career gave me a sense of purpose and fulfillment, but I still carried (and hid) the deep pain over the loss of my son.

It wasn't until 2020, 17 years after his passing, that I had a transformative healing experience, when I trained for certification to be a grief specialist. The magic of this program is why I'm here... to share it with as many people as I can reach. 

I want you to not just intellectually know but truly BELIEVE:

  • Life has so much more in store for you than just surviving and pretending you're okay 
  • You don't have to worry about what other people expect - they mean well but they're wrong
  • Even if you've been stuck for 5 or 8 or 10+ years, you can have a grief breakthrough and not only want to participate in life again, but actually make progress towards your goals and dreams!

Ready to see how this can work for you?

Let's have a no-pressure, 1:1 chat.

Book a spot on my calendar and we'll get acquainted.
If you've read this far and something's still holding you back, it's probably a combination of these thoughts:

"The old me is dead. The hole in me cannot be filled. Nothing can help."

These thoughts are understandable. But they aren't (entirely) true. 

There is something that can help.

The grief transformation program was completely worth the time, money, and emotional investment. 

Jennifer is an amazing leader and great listener. I always felt I was in a safe space in our meetings. I was very skeptical this could help me but I was surprised by the relief I felt at the end. The closure I experienced made it worth it. Jennifer is one of the most caring and kind people I know.

