Does your “To Do” List Send You into a Panic? Here’s How You Can Change That

Last week I stayed up late too many nights. I should’ve caught up on my sleep over the weekend but there was too much to do and for some reason I added cleaning behind the fridge to the list .

Anyway, now it’s a new week and I’m thinking about all the things I’m trying to get done.

This of course got me thinking you probably have a lot of things you need to do too

If your To-Do List sends you into a panic (like Sheldon when he realizes Amy wants to have coitus ),

here’s an idea – call your To-Do List your “GET-To-Do” List. I read about this in Susie Moore’s book Let it be Easy.  

Here’s my list for today:

  • I get to run to the UPS store to return leopard print booties that didn’t fit (and also leopard print? I don’t wear animal prints) (REFUND – cha ching)
  • I get to go to Crossfit at noon because I have a flexible work schedule
  • I get to make chalupas, heavy on the guacamole, for dinner (two wins–having a son and fiancé who enjoy my cooking and yeah, yummy for me too)
  • I get to write this article to share with you
  • I get to clean behind the fridge (ohhh, you caught me, I already did that … just checkin’ to see if you’re paying attention). 

See how it feels different when you write your GET To-Do List?

The list hasn’t changed. You’re just “tapping in to the appreciation filter”.

Here’s another idea for managing stress and changing how you feel. Check out this article on my Substack – An Easy Way to Feel Less Anxious You’ll learn a simple breathing technique that is remarkably effective in stressful situations.