5 Tips for Making Conversations about Death Better

5 Tips for Making Conversations about Death Better(i.e. less scary for you and more comforting for the griever)Do you completely freeze when someone casually says, as you sit

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The Truth About My Epic Attempt to Control Grief

The Truth About My Epic Attempt to Control Grief Back when I worked in a cubicle (circa 1993), there was a bullet-shaped, mahogany particleboard desk dividing the space

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4 Insider Tips About This Insanely Stupid Phrase – “Call me if you need anything”

You know what's crazy? People who say to someone in grief, “Call me if you need anything.”Why so crazy?Because there's almost ZERO chance we’re going to call.Why? Lots

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This is Exciting News – Post Traumatic GROWTH

My typically upbeat client was having an uncharacteristic Debbie Downer kind of day. She spent our session re-visiting and mourning her abusive childhood, multiple betrayals, and health challenges.I

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An Eye-Opening Lesson from My Dog about Obnoxious Independence

It all started when my dog chewed a golf-ball size hole in the living room rug. It's hard to believe this little guy could do something so dastardly

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It’s Time For Your Medicine – The Laughing Kind

The other night I was reading in bed, feeling hungry, despite having already indulged in Skinny Girl popcorn AND Choc Zero chocolate bark.So I got up to get

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My Dad Gave Me the Best Gift – After He Died

My dad died on my 46th birthday. You might think this would be traumatic or highly emotional or even a big bummer. But it was none of these

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Hard Things Are Inevitable, Doing Them Alone is Optional

Hard Things Are Inevitable So Get Comfortable Saying "I Need Help"Somehow I missed the fact that my daughter had turned YELLOW.She'd been deathly pale (from what we thought

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Try these Resources to Improve your Health and Daily Habits

Today I want to share some of my go-to resources for learning, growing, and living a fulfilling life. Some of these are grief/loss specific and some are just

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Why I Hate the 5 Stages of Grief

“How long until you feel better?” My sister asked me to have my therapist answer this question. It was about 2 or 3 months after my son passed

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