The results are in!

Your Pain-to-Purpose Personality is …


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Before we get into the details of your results …

We need to stop and acknowledge why you’re here.

You’ve experienced the most difficult loss imaginable – the death of your child. 

I’m a grieving mom too so I truly understand.

The pain you feel after losing a child is inexplicable and unfathomable. 

It’s THE most challenging thing you’ll ever have to face. 

Nothing can prepare you For the roller coaster of emotions and the floor dropping out from under you … you keep falling and falling and it seems you’ll never get your feet back on steady ground. 

But you know …

… you have to find the will and the way to bridge the gap … from where you are now (carrying and hiding your pain) to where you want to be (healed and hopeful and yes, even happy).

You’ve already taken an important step by being here and I’m so glad.

Now about those quiz results.

Based on your responses, your results show …

Your Determined Personality will lead you to:

Navigate whatever life throws at you—even the loss of your beautiful child.
Regain your clarity and confidence.
Set and achieve new goals to create new meaning for your future.
Learn the deep lessons that can only be gained from doing REALLY hard things.
Use your skills, knowledge, and experience to create maximum impact in the world.

Are you ready to take steps to move forward, feel better, and ultimately live a transformed life after loss?

I know, “ready” is a strong word … you may be thinking you’ll never feel ready.  

If that’s the case – Are you willing to try?

Keep reading, and I’ll tell you how.

But first, let’s get clear on some of the stories you’ve been telling yourself that could be holding you back.

Stories like ….

  • There’s a hole in me … an emptiness that can never be filledAnd no one understands how I feel.
  • Going back to work kept my mind busy but now I regret it. I don’t think I’ve grieved. I just have to live in denial and keep it all locked away. .
  • In those moments when I “feel OK” – I’m afraid I’m forgetting my beautiful child.
  • I have no answers, only questions. Logically, I know there’s no good answer for why this happened, but in the background, my brain still keeps trying to figure it out asking “WHY?” and “What if?” on repeat – it’s utterly exhausting.
  • The weight of guilt is so heavy … If I’d been a better mom, my child would still be alive.
  • The person I used to be is dead. I’ll never go “back to normal” and I can’t ever be whole again.

“If you love deeply, you are going to get hurt badly. But it’s still worth it.” 

~ C.S. Lewis

I want you to know, as a mom who’s been there, even if your mind still continually asks, “HOW am I going to survive this?” – you have a strong and driven nature … you WILL heal and find hope for the future.

Imagine for a moment what life would be like if you …

  • Lived free from guilt, and you knew deep down you WERE and ARE a great mom. 
  • Let go of the 10-ton-weight of pain without letting go of your connection to your child. 
  • Felt confident in yourself and you looked forward to the future and new possibilities.
  • Released the burdens of guilt, regret, and shame and experienced the joyous feeling of freedom.
  • Rediscovered the best parts of your old self and powerfully transformed into a restored, more beautiful, more world-changing new self.

Stop right now, and repeat after me, “I forgive myself. I love myself. I’m a good mother.”

Even if you don’t wholeheartedly agree, saying affirmations when you get hit with waves of grief is a good way to interrupt the painful thoughts and feel better.

Here’s a resource to learn more about how to get your brain unstuck when it starts spinning with painful thoughts so you can feel better fast. ⤵

So you know … I’m not here to spout clichés … like “time heals all wounds” and “everything happens for a reason.”

That’s bullshit. 

But I am here to tell you, you CAN move forward after loss and even be happy again without moving on.

Because you’re self-motivated and determined …

You’ve probably already taken quite a few steps to help yourself survive—and maybe you’re even doing OK.

But as you know, a mom’s grief journey doesn’t end; it’s like walking thousands of miles knowing you still have thousands more to go.

As a mom who’s been on this “life after loss” journey for almost 20 years (my first son died when he was 3 months old), I’m here to help you move from just surviving or even doing OK to “I never knew I could truly recover and feel so good!”

Here’s an article you may find helpful – on the universal topic of guilt … AND letting it go. You couldn’t have known or predicted the future or saved your child. ⤵

“We’ve been led to believe that in order to heal after living through the death of someone we love … we need to ‘find closure.’ The task is not to seal off a loss, but rather to find a way to live meaningfully with it.”
~ Tom Zuba

“Jennifer is a person of wisdom, integrity, knowledge, and true authenticity!

Her expertise and passion for helping women become their best selves, personally and professionally, has impacted my life and many lives around me. I’m blessed to know Jennifer and have had the pleasure of experiencing her fantastic coaching abilities and processes and highly recommend her!”

Julia K.

“Jennifer is

rich in positive energy. 

She’s a trustworthy, non-judgmental advisor. She has a healing soul willing to help others through life’s trials and tribulations.

april g.

“I never felt judged when working with Jennifer—only encouraged and enlightened.

My experience with Jenn has been amazing! She creates an environment where it’s easy to freely express your thoughts and insecurities. She was able to help me clear my thoughts and create a path for success! If you have any issues you are dealing with—whether it is in life, relationships, business, or personal, I encourage you to reach out. You have very little to lose, but so much to gain!”

sean c.

So, you might be wondering, who exactly am I to tell you that you can go from “I don’t think I can ever be happy again” to a life filled with meaning, passion, and purpose?

Hi, I’m Jennifer, a Life and Loss Coach

When my son died in 2003, my world ended … but the rest of the world carried on as usual. 

I set out into the “after” knowing I must find a way to honor my son and transform the pain of losing him into new meaning and purpose for my life. 

It took over a decade but I fit the bits and pieces of myself and my life back together. I left my 20+ year career in finance/accounting and became a Certified Life Coach and Grief Recovery Specialist. 

I am passionate about helping women RECOVER from pain, REGAIN confidence, and DISCOVER their soul-satisfying purpose.

I lead my clients through a proven program that walks them through the process of letting go of the pain—while holding on to the love and beautiful memories—and into a new world of feeling free, open to new possibilities, willing to be vulnerable, more present and fully participating in day-to-day activities, and most of all restored … ready to embrace and enjoy life again.

I live in Texas with my two children, THE cutest dog ever, and my amazingly supportive fiancé. Some of my favorite things are coffee with heavy cream, Crossfit, ALL kinds of music and books, red wine, and the beach 🏝.

Let’s stay in touch. Life after loss is such a long journey … you really don’t have go it alone.

Come join me on Instagram 

You’ll find posts with tools, tips, resources, quotes, funny stories, inspirational stories and more. Trust me – it’s good stuff. Click the icon below and I’ll see you there! ⤵ 


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