5 Tips for Making Conversations about Death Better

5 Tips for Making Conversations about Death Better(i.e. less scary for you and more comforting for the griever)Do you completely freeze when someone casually says, as you sit

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The Truth About My Epic Attempt to Control Grief

The Truth About My Epic Attempt to Control Grief Back when I worked in a cubicle (circa 1993), there was a bullet-shaped, mahogany particleboard desk dividing the space

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This is Exciting News – Post Traumatic GROWTH

My typically upbeat client was having an uncharacteristic Debbie Downer kind of day. She spent our session re-visiting and mourning her abusive childhood, multiple betrayals, and health challenges.I

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An Eye-Opening Lesson from My Dog about Obnoxious Independence

It all started when my dog chewed a golf-ball size hole in the living room rug. It's hard to believe this little guy could do something so dastardly

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It’s Time For Your Medicine – The Laughing Kind

The other night I was reading in bed, feeling hungry, despite having already indulged in Skinny Girl popcorn AND Choc Zero chocolate bark.So I got up to get

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Stop Feeling Guilty For Not Predicting Or Preventing Your Child’s Death

The day my son died, I fed him his early morning feeding at 5:30am and he went back to sleep. I was transitioning back to full-time at work

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3 Simple Ideas to Help You Live After Loss

Learning to live without your loved one is a long and difficult road to travel. Through books,support groups, blind luck, and the grace of God, I have learned

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