In a Heartbeat

This one is for women who have lost a child (whether through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death). The author lost 2 children to miscarriage and one was stillborn. Each section has journal entry from right after she learned her little girl Molly would be stillborn and then there is another section from Dawn years later…

The Bereaved Parent

Practical supportive advice for bereaved parents and the professionals who work with them, based on the experiences of psychiatric and religious counselors. FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “Certainly, in the early days after our son died, no one could have patted us on the our heads and convinced us everything would be all right. Nor will this…

Empty Cradle, Broken Heart, Surviving the Death of Your Baby

This book offers helpful information for every stage of the grieving process and years beyond. Some of the Chapter titles are: A Parent’s Lonely Grief Grieving and Emotional Recovery Physical Recovery The Early Months Affirming Your Baby Painful Feelings Resolution of Grief Especially for Fathers You and Your Partner Your Family Support Networks The Subsequent…